Основний зміст сторінки статті

Надія Петрівна Стецько


The landscape-ecological situation in the valley of the river Seret within the limits of Terebovlia district is considered in the article. The hydrological characteristics, location, tributaries of the river Seret are investigated. The main classes of landscapes, which are represented in the river valley and along the adjacent territory are characterized; they are naturally and anthropogenically altered landscapes with characteristic soil erosion processes and other negative phenomena. The hydrological, hydrobiological, hydrochemical, sanitary-biological regime of the river and the main causes of excessive pollution of the valley of the river Seret and its channel are analyzed. An integrated and integrated assessment of water from the main pollutants (11) in the river Seret, within the limits of Terebovlia area at a distance of 88 km at five points of observation was carried out. The section of the channel with the highest level of water pollution in the river is determined and there are also identified the main reasons for such an ecological situation. The smallest index of pollution within the studied area of the river is also determined. In order to preserve the water object from further anthropogenic loading there have been proposed measures for the preservation and reproduction of natural classes of landscapes in the valley of the river Seret and the measures for cleaning the river bed from communal, industrial waste, household rubbish.

Keywords: river valley, ecological state, landscape-ecological research, integral and integrated assessment of water.

Блок інформації про статтю

Конструктивна географія та геоекологія
Біографія автора

Надія Петрівна Стецько, Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка

доцент кафедри геоекології та методкики навчання екологічних дисциплін


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