
  • Taras Yamelynets



Ключові слова:

ґрунтова карта, історія ґрунтознавства, інформація, ґрунтова інформаційна система


Досліджено трансформацію знань про ґрунти впродовж всієї історії людства. Проаналізовано основні історичні етапи накопичення та формалізації інформації про ґрунти. Подано детальний аналіз історичної трансформації ґрунтової карти як одного з найбільш ефективних методів просторової інтерпретації зібраної інформації про ґрунти та визначення їх місця у ландшафті. Особливу увагу приділено застосуванню новітніх інформаційних технологій, зокрема перехід до цифрових методів і електронних карт, що дозволило автоматизувати процес картографування ґрунтів.


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Ackerson, K.T., D.L., Gallup, J.D., Rourke, A.J., Vessel. 1968. Soils of the world: Probable occurrence of orders and suborders (map scale ca. 1: 88,000,000). U.S. Dep. Agric., Soil Conserv. Serv. In: Buckman, H.O., Brady, N.C. The nature and properties of soils. 7th ed. 653 pp. Macmillan Co., NY.

Asio, V.D., 2005. Comments on “Historical Development of Soil and Weathering Profile Concepts from Europe to the United States of America”. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69, 571–572.

Brevik, E.C., Hartemink, A.E., 2010. Early soil knowledge and the birth and development of soil science. Catena 83, 23–33.

Catherine A. Fox, Historical Journey in the Evolution of Soil Science, BioScience, Volume 57, Issue 10, November 2007, Pages 887–889, https://doi.org/10.1641/B571014

Dudal, R., Batisse, M., 1978. The soil map of the world. Nature and Resources 14, 2–6.

FAO. 1995. Digital Soil Map of the World and Derived Soil Properties (Version 3.5). FAO, Rome, Italy.

FAO-EC-ISRIC, 2003. World Soil Resources Map ftp://ftp.fao.org/agl/agll/faomwsr/wsavcl.jpg.

Grigelis, A., Wójcik, Z., Narębski, W., Živilė Gelumbauskaitė, L., Kozák, J., 2011. Stanisław Staszic: an early surveyor of the geology of Central and Eastern Europe. Annals of Science 68 (2), 199–228.

Gong, Z., Zhang, X., Chen, J., Zhang, G., 2003. Origin and development of soil science in ancient China. Geoderma 115, 3–13.

Hartemink, Alfred & Krasilnikov, Pavel & Bockheim, James. (2013). Soil maps of the world. Geoderma. s 207–208. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.05.003.

Hollsteins, W., 1930. Bodenkarte de Erde (scale 1:125,000,000). In: Blanck, E. (Ed.). Handbuch der Bodenlehre, vol. 3. Verlag von Julius Springer, Berlin, 550 pp.

Hsu, M.-L., 1993. The Qin maps: a clue to later Chinese cartographic development. Imago Mundi 45, 90–100.

Kellogg, C.E., 1974. Soil genesis, classification, and cartography: 1924–1974. Geoderma 12, 347–362.

Krupenikov, I.A., 1992. History of Soil Science: Fromits Inception to the Present. Amerind Pub Co., New Delhi.

Lag J., Hadas A., Fairbridge R.W. (2008) History of Soil Science. In: Chesworth W. (eds) Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Springer, Dordrecht

McBratney, A.B., Mendonça Santos, M.L., Minasny, B., 2003. On digital soil mapping. Geoderma 117, 3–52.

McCall A. (1931). The Development of Soil Science. Agricultural History, 5(2), 43-56. Retrieved May 2, 2020, from www.jstor.org/stable/3739426

Omuto C., Nachtergaele F., Rojas R.V., 2013. State of the art report on global and regional soil information: Where are we? Where to go? Global Soil Partnership Technical Report. FAO, Rome. 70 p.

Omuto C.T. and Vargas R.R. 2009. Combining pedometrics, remote sensing and field observations for assessing soil loss in challenging Drylands: a case study of northwestern Somalia. Land Degradation Development 20: 101-115

Papadakis, J., 1964. Soils of the World. Argentina, Buenos Aires.

Papadakis, J., 1969. Soils of the World. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Paton T. R., Humphreys G. S. and Mitchell P. B., 1995, Soils: A New Global View: London, UCL Press Limited

Williams, B.J., 1976. Nahuatl soil glyphs from Códice de Santa María Asunción. Actes du XLII congres internacional des americanistes, Paris II, pp. 27–37.

Williams, B.J., Jorge, Jorge y, del C., Ma., 2008. Aztec arithmetic revised: land-area algorithms and acolhua congruence arithmetic. Science 320, 72–77.

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Krupenikov I. A. History of soil science: (from the time of its inception to the present day). M .: Nauka, 1981. 329 p.

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Ackerson, K.T., D.L., Gallup, J.D., Rourke, A.J., Vessel. 1968. Soils of the world: Probable occurrence of orders and suborders (map scale ca. 1: 88,000,000). U.S. Dep. Agric., Soil Conserv. Serv. In: Buckman, H.O., Brady, N.C. The nature and properties of soils. 7th ed. 653 pp. Macmillan Co., NY.

Asio, V.D., 2005. Comments on “Historical Development of Soil and Weathering Profile Concepts from Europe to the United States of America”. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69, 571–572.

Brevik, E.C., Hartemink, A.E., 2010. Early soil knowledge and the birth and development of soil science. Catena 83, 23–33.

Catherine A. Fox, Historical Journey in the Evolution of Soil Science, BioScience, Volume 57, Issue 10, November 2007, Pages 887–889, https://doi.org/10.1641/B571014

Dudal, R., Batisse, M., 1978. The soil map of the world. Nature and Resources 14, 2–6.

FAO. 1995. Digital Soil Map of the World and Derived Soil Properties (Version 3.5). FAO, Rome, Italy.

FAO-EC-ISRIC, 2003. World Soil Resources Map ftp://ftp.fao.org/agl/agll/faomwsr/wsavcl.jpg.

Grigelis, A., Wójcik, Z., Narębski, W., Živilė Gelumbauskaitė, L., Kozák, J., 2011. Stanisław Staszic: an early surveyor of the geology of Central and Eastern Europe. Annals of Science 68 (2), 199–228.

Gong, Z., Zhang, X., Chen, J., Zhang, G., 2003. Origin and development of soil science in ancient China. Geoderma 115, 3–13.

Hartemink, Alfred & Krasilnikov, Pavel & Bockheim, James. (2013). Soil maps of the world. Geoderma. s 207–208. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.05.003.

Hollsteins, W., 1930. Bodenkarte de Erde (scale 1:125,000,000). In: Blanck, E. (Ed.). Handbuch der Bodenlehre, vol. 3. Verlag von Julius Springer, Berlin, 550 pp.

Hsu, M.-L., 1993. The Qin maps: a clue to later Chinese cartographic development. Imago Mundi 45, 90–100.

Kellogg, C.E., 1974. Soil genesis, classification, and cartography: 1924–1974. Geoderma 12, 347–362.

Krupenikov, I.A., 1992. History of Soil Science: Fromits Inception to the Present. Amerind Pub Co., New Delhi.

Lag J., Hadas A., Fairbridge R.W. (2008) History of Soil Science. In: Chesworth W. (eds) Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Springer, Dordrecht

McBratney, A.B., Mendonça Santos, M.L., Minasny, B., 2003. On digital soil mapping. Geoderma 117, 3–52.

McCall A. (1931). The Development of Soil Science. Agricultural History, 5(2), 43-56. Retrieved May 2, 2020, from www.jstor.org/stable/3739426

Omuto C., Nachtergaele F., Rojas R.V., 2013. State of the art report on global and regional soil information: Where are we? Where to go? Global Soil Partnership Technical Report. FAO, Rome. 70 p.

Omuto C.T. and Vargas R.R. 2009. Combining pedometrics, remote sensing and field observations for assessing soil loss in challenging Drylands: a case study of northwestern Somalia. Land Degradation Development 20: 101-115

Papadakis, J., 1964. Soils of the World. Argentina, Buenos Aires.

Papadakis, J., 1969. Soils of the World. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Paton T. R., Humphreys G. S. and Mitchell P. B., 1995, Soils: A New Global View: London, UCL Press Limited

Williams, B.J., 1976. Nahuatl soil glyphs from Códice de Santa María Asunción. Actes du XLII congres internacional des americanistes, Paris II, pp. 27–37.

Williams, B.J., Jorge, Jorge y, del C., Ma., 2008. Aztec arithmetic revised: land-area algorithms and acolhua congruence arithmetic. Science 320, 72–77.




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